What is the color for International Women's Day 2024


The Colors of Strength and Solidarity: Celebrating International Women's Day (2024 and Beyond)
color and logo for International Women's Day
 color and logo for International Women's Day 2024

What is the color for International Women's Day

Every year on March 8th, the world comes together to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD). It's a day to acknowledge the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. But beyond the celebration, it's also a call to action – a time to advocate for gender equality and empower women across the globe. Read more

One of the recognizable symbols of IWD is color. While there's no single "official" color for the day, a

powerful combination of colors holds significant meaning: purple, green, and white.

A Legacy of Colors: The Story Behind the IWD Palette

The history of these colors for IWD can be traced back to the early days of the women's suffrage movement in the UK. In 1908, the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) adopted a color scheme of purple, green, and white for their banners and demonstrations. Read more


This bold color symbolized justice and dignity. It was a powerful statement against the oppression and limitations women faced at the time.


Represented hope for a brighter future, symbolizing growth and progress towards women's rights.


Originally stood for purity, a concept that has evolved over time. Today, it can represent inclusivity and solidarity in the fight for gender equality.

While the WSPU's specific meanings may have shifted slightly, the core message of these colors remains strong.

Beyond the Rainbow: A Celebration of Diversity

It's important to acknowledge that the world is a tapestry of diverse cultures and traditions. While the purple, green, and white combination has historical significance, it doesn't encompass the full spectrum of the women's movement. Read more

Here are some ways the concept of color can be used to celebrate IWD in a more inclusive way:

Wear the colors that inspire you: 

Don a purple scarf, a green t-shirt, or a white dress – the choice is yours! Every color can represent your support for women's empowerment.

Embrace the Colors of Your Culture: 

Many cultures have symbolic colors associated with women's strength and resilience. Wear something that represents your heritage alongside the traditional IWD colors. For instance, you could incorporate the vibrant yellows and oranges associated with Durga, the Hindu goddess of protection and empowerment, or the red of the Chinese qipao, a symbol of good luck and femininity.

Spread the message with vibrant visuals: 

When creating posters or social media graphics for IWD, use a diverse color palette that reflects the multifaceted nature of womanhood. Think beyond the traditional and explore colors that represent different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. Read more

IWD is More Than Just a Color: Taking Action for Change

Ultimately, the true spirit of IWD lies in the actions we take. Here are some ways you can contribute to a more equitable future:

Educate Yourself: 

Learn about the history of women's rights movements and the ongoing challenges faced by women around the world. Explore the work of organizations like UN Women or the Malala Fund to gain a deeper understanding of the issues.

Support Women-Led Businesses: 

Seek out businesses owned and operated by women, and empower them with your patronage. Whether it's a local bookstore, a clothing boutique, or a tech startup, your support can make a real difference.

Raise Awareness: 

Speak up about gender inequality and challenge discriminatory practices. Use your voice on social media, engage in conversations with friends and family, and don't be afraid to call out bias when you see it.

Mentor and Empower: 

Share your knowledge and experience with other women, especially young girls, and help them reach their full potential. Offer to mentor a young woman in your field, volunteer at a girls' coding club, or simply be a supportive presence in the lives of the women around you.

Every Woman, Every Voice Matters:

International Women's Day is a reminder that we are stronger together. Whether you choose to wear purple, green, white, or a vibrant mix of colors that reflects your heritage and values, let your actions speak louder than words. Advocate, support, empower – be the change you want to see in the world. Read more

Together, we can create a future where every woman has the opportunity to thrive, a future painted not just with the colors of tradition, but with the vibrant hues of possibility and progress.


International Women's Day colors 2024
meaning of colors for IWD
history of IWD color symbolism
purple, green, and white for women's rights
celebrating diversity on International Women's Day
inclusive colors for IWD campaigns
supporting women-owned businesses on IWD
ways to take action for gender equality
empowering women around the world
IWD beyond the traditional colors




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